Located in the south east of the mainland Japan, Tokyo is the capital of Japan. As one of the biggest cities in the world, all kinds of trends are founds here. Music, entertainment, fashion, food, bars, and you name it. This is the city where many cultures meet, get mixed, and where people create Tokyo's original flavor.
But how did Tokyo become such an interesting city? Japan is just a small island country floating at the eastern end of Pacific Ocean. It could have been some other countries in Asia that have more land and citizens so they can influence and stimulate their own countries as well as the rest of the world.
Well, the answer can be found easily if you look at the history of this "Yamato country". Back in Meiji period, the government invited many foreigners to Japan in the name of "Great Borrowing" for modernization. These people taught what they speciallized in such as technologies and science, but they also brought their cultures as well. Things like western bread and liqur started to appear. This is how the country started to change both at national level and cultural level.
And you cannot forget the influence of WWII. After Japanese unconditional surrender, Japan experienced a tremendous growth of rebuilding the country under the control of American GHQ. And even after U.S. occupation, Japan is still influenced by a lot of American Culture, so it is not exaggeration to say that U.S.A. has been the one who influenced Japan the most.
With these facts, Tokyo was developed to be the way it is now. Having both western and eastern charactaristics, Tokyo has been creating its unique and interesting face of the city.
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