When the semester first began, I had no idea what noir was. Although I looked up on the interest and searched for the meaning of "noir", there were no result. That is because in Japanese we say "noa-ru", instead of noir.
As I understood about noir little by little, the movies we saw in class started to make sence. It is not only the stories that become clear, but the historical, political, and social background, the role of women, change in the meaning of god after WWII, and all these kinds were connected to each other.
The project helped me understand the role of the city in noir. I knew what it mean, but as this blog gets complete, I found that Tokyo has a perfect set for the noir. It has a different history and social patterns from the United States where American noir was made. But the night life in complicated structure of Tokyo sets the noir features of the crimes and femme fatal.
I really enjoyed the course and the movies much more than I thought at first. It gave me hwo to enjoy the movies by exploring how the history influenced society in U.S.A., and gave me oppotunities to look at new style of movies.
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