
Light into Dark...

Grown up to big cities like N.Y. and London, Tokyo welcomes everyone. In the morning and daytime, thuosands of people come to Tokyo. Students, business people, wonderers, travelers... they may come for different reasons, this they sure enjoy time here.

Shopping stores offer great clothing, and restarants make delicious lunch. While the sun is up, the city is filled with livelyness and happiness of the people.

The night gives a different face to the city. Instead of the sun light, the neon lights, car lights, and lights in the shops make shadows on the street. It is probably the best time to experience real Tokyo. And this is when the city starts to really function.

As many business people get off work and students are out of school, the flow of people increases in the evening. They go to towns like Shibuya, Roppongi and Kabuki-cho to look for their "somethiung". It might be liquer, women, money, or violence. And these things help people to be free and break one's shell in this concreate jungle.

While the daytime Tokyo has clean images, things become different at night. That is all because... Tokyo is a city that never sleeps...

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